Thursday 19 February 2009

Lordy gonna leave me

What a half term, eh?

Well, Robert's currently visiting, and having left my house to stay with Kirsty for a few days, I finally have the house to myself. Which is mighty lonely I can tell you. On the plus side, it gives me some time to think things over, blog and generally procrastinate. At the moment I'm backing up the small amount of music on my Mac so I can upgrade it to 10.5. This is for two reasons: The DVD Player on Mac 10.4 has no timeline. Making The Wire theme song almost unbearable. I do NOT want to have to listen to that exact same song sung by a man who sounds like he's vomiting his own intestines. So skipping is necessary and yet unfortunately also impossible.
The other very important factor to take into consideration is of course the lack of a decent Limewire. Everything is too old or new and it's pissing annoying. So upgrading will insue. This will, however, leave me with 90 with which to do nothing and I am dreading that A LOT. Thankfully I have a PC, eh? Oh yeah. And Pokemon. :D

In other news, Josh Lucas is a God. He managed to find out that Yann Tiersen (my favourite composer and musician) is coming to Cambridge! I am ecstatic. Fr rls. Right now, some shitty karaoke cover of Christina Aguilera's track, 'Beatiful' is playing and it's... worse than words can express. However, I am very pleased that I managed to spell her surname right.

Also: Yay, Rolling Stones!!

I've been playing a lot of Age of Empires and with Robert's arrival came the opportunity to LAN. I am the collector of resources (being a woman and therefor inferior at battle) and have control of a few monks wot pick up relics wot generate gold etc.

Today I found a copy of I am Not an Animal; an utterly creepy animation starring Steve Coogan (The Day Today, I'm Alan Partridge), Simon Pegg (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead) and Julia Davis (Nighty Night, AD/BC) - a combination of the greatest black comedy comedians of the 21st Century.

Last night, whilst visiting Kirsty to play Dungeons and Dragons Dan's car got knocked into. Again. It was all very surreal but we managed to continue with our game, and even improvise a song about an item found on the map - The Mask of Pierce Brosnan Containing Compass-Like Powers.
The lyrics are as follows:
Can you deny the power of Pierce Brosnan?
The power of Pierce Brosnan?
He played Jamed Bond
He knows the direction
He's really cool
He's got...good perception
The power of Pierce Brosnan!

Our games are greater than anything. Ever.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

A New Post

I haven't really got all that much to say tonight.

Here are some good films I've watched recently:
Factory Girl
Slumdog Millionaire
The Breakfast Club

The list would be longer, only I'm out of Mac and therefore any way to watch my wide selection of new DVDs. I've been playing an almost obsessive amount of Pokemon Yellow. I've been sleeping less. I've done nothing creative or useful lately, which is always a downer for me, heh.

I have an interview in a week with one of the 'other' universities (you know, one of the filler ones), Hertfordshire. I'd never go there, it's far to close to home.

I've been playing a lot of guitar. I can now play Save Yourself by Sense Field, The Crane Wife, Pts 1 & 2 by The Decemberists and Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith.


I wonder if school will be on tomorrow...

Peace out.