Thursday 21 May 2009

Came home tonight, I felt like I'd die of loneliness. Strange, you think. Popularity...
Looking for a simple life. Life ain't simple. I'm tired and sick but I don't wanna be alone. Could go to a party but I don't really want to. For now I'm sitting out here on my porch. Writing in the dark air listening to my little black cat miaow. Trying to vent some of the terrible passion that's coursing through me. Something about you, something about spending the afternoon asleep in your arms.
I hate you.


Wednesday 20 May 2009

Warning: contains politics.

Hello, readers. Tonight's blog is on a slightly serious note, on the topic of the upcoming election. Firstly, I would like to say that literally two weeks ago, I had virtually no political standpoint in terms of governing parties and decided what with coming-of-age, 'n' all, I would find out just who deserves my vote. But for now, allow me to post a link to a video I found on the vast, vast internet this afternoon.

What is the problem here? Is it the fact that this woman is a terrible mother because she gives sex for money with her children nearby? Or is it because people have had to lower themselves to this? For goodness sake, yes, what she did was irresponsible, but what other choice did she have? The report states that she tried to leave her children with friends for most of the evening. Doesn't that say a lot? It's obvious that she wouldn't take her children with her for activities of that nature unless it was necessary, suggesting that the area she lives in is perhaps a frightening, dangerous place. If I had a choice between leaving my kids in an area infested with crime and kidnapping and taking them with me, where they might see activities that may disturb them, I know which I'd pick. It would be an impossibly difficult decision, but Hell, rather safe than dead, and at least she knew where they were. Secondly; the video strongly shames women in her position who are forced to walk the streets at night to earn money. SOME PEOPLE JUST CAN'T GET A JOB. For whatever reason. And let's get laziness out of the way right now as it's highly unlikely they enjoy prostitution. It's hardly every little girl's dream. It's situations like this that make me angry. The Government should be targeting HOW this has happened and HOW we can prevent it. Not punishing those who have no choice.

Anyway; next topic, but along similar themes. I decided to read the manifestos to each leading party for the upcoming election and this is what I've decided. Labour knows they can't cover their asses again and are basically giving up. Conservative are so damn smug they're going to win this that they're acting just as lazily as Labour. The only party I can see really trying its hardest here is the Liberal Democrats. Nick Clegg is a fantastic speaker, and clearly knows his stuff (as well he should considering what he's up against). He's organising discussions with the public all over Britain and guess what? He's got a nice-looking face, too. To be honest, if David Cameron became Prime Minister, I think I would go insane. His smug looking face splattered all over our newspapers, our televisions, our internet. I'd rather drink ipecac, thanks. As for Gordon Brown, he should just turn into some kind of teddy bear on a child's bed and stay out of politics for good, before it ruins him. Clearly, no one is going to vote Labour after the Iraq war AND the economic crisis, which leaves the Lib Dems, the Conservatives, the Green Party, the BNP and UKIP. From what I've gathered (though everyone I asked was from Cambridge; a primarily Liberal Democratic area) it doesn't sound too good for the Conservatives right now due to (but God knows why) Margaret Thatcher. Hmm. Firstly, (and this will strike controversy, I'm sure) Margaret Thatcher was, on the whole, a very good Prime Minister. She was what Britain needed at the time when strikers were taking advantage of an economically disadvantaged Britain. To say 'no' to their greedy requests at yet more money was the right decision (in my opinion). Already, the fat cats of the mining industry (Russell Shankland, for one) were hated by their fellow miners, yet still took it into their own hands to demand higher wages. Throughout Newcastle, six foot letters could be seen spelling 'FUCK SHANKLAND'. Hell, even the miners agreed she was doing the right thing. Everything was getting out of hand, and the last thing the UK needed was a weak Prime Minister saying "More money? Okay, then."

Monday 18 May 2009

experimental film

The color of infinity inside an empty glass. I'm squinting my eye and turning off and on and on and off the light...

It's for this experimental film which nobody knows about and which I'm still figuring out what's going to go in my experimental film. Yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it I already know how great it is. I already know the ending, it's the part that makes your face implode. I don't know what makes your face implode, but that's the way the movie ends. And in my experimental film
(which nobody knows about but which I'm still figuring out) your face implodes. In my experimental film, yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it-- Even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it is.

The color of infinity
Inside an empty glass

It's for this experimental film which nobody knows about and which I'm still figuring out what's going to go in my experimental film. Yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it I already know how great it's gonna-- Yeah, you're gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it-- Even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it's...