Tuesday 23 December 2008

Because Josh wants a post called 'Because Josh was complaining'

So. Now I see where my true friends lie. To everyone who voted for Cashier Girl, here's a big FUCK YOU.

A list of people who aren't getting ANY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS THIS YEAR:
Daniel Swanton
Kirsty Judge
Richard Sandford
Rian Bjork
Josh Lucas
John Doyle

Thanks a lot to the aforementioned JERK FACE (Viking, in case you were wondering), he decided on Club Girl and then REFUSED TO VOTE, claiming it would be UNFAIR if he did. So FUCK YOU WANKNOSESHITBRAINPENISFACE!

*Tidies self*

Right. Talking about Christmas brings me to what I've been doing today: wrapping presents. I now have a big pile of presents for various family members and absolutely no wrapping paper. Which means everyone else's presents are going to have to be wrapped in toilet paper. Or something equally inadequate. Sorry, y'all. Ummm... I know I had something interesting to say, but now it's all gone D:

Ooh! Today I found Top Trumps (this isn't what I was going to say, but it'll do) with super heroes, yeahhhhhh! Um... so that's fun... I also spent the entire day playing The Secret of Monkey Island. It didn't have a save section, so I had to finish it too. It's fun, you should play it. I still prefer The Curse of Monkey Island though.

I've been painting my nails... they're red now...Uh... *rapidly running out of things to say*

Well, more tomorrow... goodnight!

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