Wednesday 4 February 2009

A New Post

I haven't really got all that much to say tonight.

Here are some good films I've watched recently:
Factory Girl
Slumdog Millionaire
The Breakfast Club

The list would be longer, only I'm out of Mac and therefore any way to watch my wide selection of new DVDs. I've been playing an almost obsessive amount of Pokemon Yellow. I've been sleeping less. I've done nothing creative or useful lately, which is always a downer for me, heh.

I have an interview in a week with one of the 'other' universities (you know, one of the filler ones), Hertfordshire. I'd never go there, it's far to close to home.

I've been playing a lot of guitar. I can now play Save Yourself by Sense Field, The Crane Wife, Pts 1 & 2 by The Decemberists and Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith.


I wonder if school will be on tomorrow...

Peace out.

1 comment:

Daniel is a common name said...

Moar sleep for you please! :( lovely.