Monday 19 January 2009

Elephant Gun

So, I've been pretty moody lately, with hating almost anyone who dared even look at me, and for that I'm sorry.

It's is Daniel Swanton's birthday tomorrow - please make him something nice :)

I'm really looking forward to his pirate ears. Yessir, I am.

My hands are cold and my stomach is sore. However, I've been playing Pokemon Yellow and naming them after characters from The Wire (which, if you know me well, you'll know I am utterly obsessed with).

Clefairy is Omar (the scarred (NOT scared) black man with the shotgun).


1 comment:

Alice The Cool Bean said...

We forgive you....
P.s. I was voted voice of the people today in secret, so they all forgive you too, every last one of them