Saturday 5 December 2009

Dan is Snoring


I am very proud of my current lack of sleep. This is mainly due to the fact that I had to climb up Steep Hill and then spend the day at work, while the extremely busy Butcher's Market made everything super busy. Suuuuper busy, and no one knew anything about the shop, so I had to check on the butcher's, baker's and general stocking up WHILE educating others on prices! I'm so tired that my grammar is bad :(

I've also just tidied Dan's entire room and en-suite so I could find my plectrum, but so far no such luck D: However; Robert arrives tomorrow so this new level of organisation will hopefully be a benefit to something. Soooooo tired. Need caffeine. LUCKILY, Helena is away this weekend, so I'm getting away with playing super awesome lovely music really loudly without getting told off. I just wish I had brought over my better speakers :(

Anyway, this is a rambling post today, and it probably won't make much sense. I was going to draw things but I don't think they'd be fit for the human eye. OHNEWDUVET! It's 13.5 tog, meaning no more cold feet at ungodly hours of the morning :D AND it's kingsize AND it's made from down and goose feather! It's so supreme. Dan is wearing one of my silk nighttime shirts I discarded a few months ago. He looks positively adorable. D'aww.

OH one more thing before I go. Ella Wood ( is filming a documentary about ME! So, ego in hand, I'm off to brag. About myself. Yeahhhh. Anyway, it's going to be totally hot, and about my films and drawings and shtuff. Get watching.


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