Monday 19 January 2009

Elephant Gun

So, I've been pretty moody lately, with hating almost anyone who dared even look at me, and for that I'm sorry.

It's is Daniel Swanton's birthday tomorrow - please make him something nice :)

I'm really looking forward to his pirate ears. Yessir, I am.

My hands are cold and my stomach is sore. However, I've been playing Pokemon Yellow and naming them after characters from The Wire (which, if you know me well, you'll know I am utterly obsessed with).

Clefairy is Omar (the scarred (NOT scared) black man with the shotgun).


Sunday 11 January 2009

Hello, hello

Today I've been spending a lot of time looking at hot celebrities, but please give me a moment to explain.

I was idly browsing t'internets when I came across some fat women bitching about their weight. Now this was all highly amusing until one bright spark decided to mention that Marilyn Monroe was overweight and she's teh sexx. Suddenly, they all realised that they too were overweight (yes... we know...) but because Monroe was sexy, they are too.
There are two things wrong with this theory.
Eine (thank you, Alice ^^): Marilyn Monroe was not fat. Unless you consider me fat (we are the same clothes size lollll).
Zwei: These guys are FATTTTTTT mannnnn. Really, really fat. We're talking 20 stone here. That is not sexy. Unless your name is James Whipps and you lurrrrve the whipped cream.
So anyway, I got into looking at pictures of Marilyn Monroe (who looked a lot better without makeup and with her hair slightly ruffled) and that took me on to looking at pictures of Drew Barrymore which took me on to looking at pictures of Cameron Diaz. And you know what that means: VOTING TIEMS!!!!
So! Who do you think is hotter?
Cameron Diaz

or Drew Barrymore?

Please vote at the polls :)

Meanwhile, this weekend me and Dan have been playing Manhunt. It's comedically great for a couple of reasons; one that they are absolutely retarded. You can stand in a slightly shady room, the guy looking straight at you, and STILL he'll yell "God DAYM it! Where's that bitch gone?! I can't believe I've lost him AGAIN!" Another amusing factor is that when they jump out at you, they just scream. It's gRRRRRReat :)

Another thing I learnt today is that German people are TERRIFYING.

Also, who thinks Marilyn Monroe as a teen looks a bit like Helen Buttons?

Anyways, over and out for now!



Tuesday 6 January 2009

Display Picturezzzz

For everyone who wanted this as a display picture, here it is. Widescreen desktops coming soon :)

And thanks for following.

Coincidentally, if you like this blog, you may also like


Two things:


2. We've edited the picture a little. It makes a great desktop.


To my beloved fans.

In recent times, I know my standards of blog haven't been quite up to par. However, this can change. Will change. I promise. Just... please don't betray me for those newer younger bloggers!

Y'see, bat fans, Dan has started blogging. Already his blog is much more impressive than my mere '300 Days' blog. And to my utter horror, I discovered that Kirsty intends to write something frighteningly similar to this one. Unfortunately Dan is superior in drawing and Kirsty is superior in writing. So basically I'm screwed.

Tonight I will browse Gooogle in search of monkeys and small ethnic children who I will force to write witty and highly intelligent reviews on my day-to-day business.

The search begins...

If you would like to see Dan's blog (which I highly recommend) please visit

Monday 5 January 2009

Daniel is my favourite bean.

He made me a picture :D

So I turned it into my background :D


The Longest Weekend of My Life

It's a Sunday night and I'm annoyed at my boyfriend. All of a sudden I get a phone call from him stating that he's been walking for the last hour or so in the snowy weather so that I'll stop being angry at him. The silly fool realises now that the rest of the journey will take a further hour. So I grabbed a cookie, jumped on my bike and rode out to meet him. It was lovely :) We watched The Wire and took the piss out of cops and ate reduced trifle.

Then his parents called and found out he was at my house and spazzed the hell out. So a training montage occured, during which I taught him how to argue. The next morning I realised my exam was A LOT sooner than I had anticipated and panicked. This evening I went to visit Alice and we revised together. She taught me many things.

Have some pictures I found on my phone.

Dan is cool.

Dan is cute.

We are cool.

Kirsty is hot.

We are adoraburble.

Oh, and Alice told me that I only have two of the scary exams and that they're on Thursday.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Cookies and Hate

Sup, dawgs.

Today I have spent being incredibly productive (for once). After getting very pissed off at the Swanton household, I decided to make cookies. They're deliccccciiiiouuussss... And guess who can't have any because he isn't here? You got it - Daniel Swanton. If anyone ELSE would like any, please feel free to pop over at any time and have a couple. They contain Milkybar white chocolate buttons, chocolate rice crispies and smarties, amongst other delicious treats. Then while I waited for Dan to call back ("hang on, I'll call you back in a minute") I decided to edit this film I've been procrastinating from for so long. Which took me about three hours. So, anyway, my plans tonight involve downloading an Atari game I haven't played in years or playing my own version of Dungeons and Dragons with my parents and Dan, if he ever calls me back.

Meanwhile, I shall continue drawing me killing members of my boyfriend's family.

Goodnight, y'all :)