Sunday 11 January 2009

Hello, hello

Today I've been spending a lot of time looking at hot celebrities, but please give me a moment to explain.

I was idly browsing t'internets when I came across some fat women bitching about their weight. Now this was all highly amusing until one bright spark decided to mention that Marilyn Monroe was overweight and she's teh sexx. Suddenly, they all realised that they too were overweight (yes... we know...) but because Monroe was sexy, they are too.
There are two things wrong with this theory.
Eine (thank you, Alice ^^): Marilyn Monroe was not fat. Unless you consider me fat (we are the same clothes size lollll).
Zwei: These guys are FATTTTTTT mannnnn. Really, really fat. We're talking 20 stone here. That is not sexy. Unless your name is James Whipps and you lurrrrve the whipped cream.
So anyway, I got into looking at pictures of Marilyn Monroe (who looked a lot better without makeup and with her hair slightly ruffled) and that took me on to looking at pictures of Drew Barrymore which took me on to looking at pictures of Cameron Diaz. And you know what that means: VOTING TIEMS!!!!
So! Who do you think is hotter?
Cameron Diaz

or Drew Barrymore?

Please vote at the polls :)

Meanwhile, this weekend me and Dan have been playing Manhunt. It's comedically great for a couple of reasons; one that they are absolutely retarded. You can stand in a slightly shady room, the guy looking straight at you, and STILL he'll yell "God DAYM it! Where's that bitch gone?! I can't believe I've lost him AGAIN!" Another amusing factor is that when they jump out at you, they just scream. It's gRRRRRReat :)

Another thing I learnt today is that German people are TERRIFYING.

Also, who thinks Marilyn Monroe as a teen looks a bit like Helen Buttons?

Anyways, over and out for now!



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