Sunday 30 November 2008


This drink is incredible. It was invented by Josh Jones, Ollie and Helen and the two ingredients are: Relentless (whole can of)
Mega Rainbow Dust (10 straws of)
That is all. I drank some and didn't sleep. It was the best time :D

Alice threw a party. This is Lizzy Q. As you can see, her philosophy classes have gone too far.

This was my costume.

Yesterday, my favourite boyfriend took me to the best shop in the universe (Okay, England).

I bought lots of things, spending most of the past weeks earnings,


Yeah, Froot Loops, chocolate and white chocolate fudge covered pretzels and LUCKY CHARMS!!

I've been looking for those darn pretzels since they stopped selling them in England (I hate living here D:). I also bought some Oreo Pop Tarts, but they've mysteriously disappeared... The selection was amazing though. They must have had over thirty different types XD

A couple of weeks ago, me and Rian went to paint Alice's bedroom a lovely shade of white. Rian was incapable of contributing anything but his name.

Look at how happy he is :3

In further news, my cat died.

This isn't him dead, though I've been told that he pretty much looks the same. Right now he's in our freezer. No joke.

Over and out.

Saturday 29 November 2008

La la laaa

I'm waiting for my Dad. Meanwhile, old friends disappoint me. New friends lie. Newer friends are always nice because they don't know you yet.

There is someone in my life right now that I don't want in my life. I feel harsh, but... Well, they annoy me. Or maybe they intimidate me? I wish I liked my friends better. My oldest friends are still cool, mind. But they are so cash. :( Why can't all my friends be so cash?

I miss Kirsty, she's standard and she doesn't mind if I just want to sit in silence.

What am I going to do without her?

Thursday 27 November 2008

Everything is OVER

Today I finally finished my personal statement and all the crazy shit that goes with it (qualifications, previous schools, university choices etc). It actually took more work cutting it down the the meager 500 words than writing the darn thing D: Trouble is (haha) that I do so much relevant outside-of-college-activities, my personal statement took about 3 hours to write after just listing EVERYTHING I do. Last year a year 13 showed me their personal statement. It briefly mention things like YouTube videos and was written pretty darn poorly. This guy had almost NOTHING he could talk about. So from that moment I swore to make a portfolio which could stun anyone. I wanted people to not understand how I get so much done. And I managed it. Ohhhhh yes. After many sleepless nights, I have an impressive array of videos, blogs, short stories, drawings, songs and even paid stuff for the college.

Anyway, because all that is done, I can finally relax and play Zelda, watch films and finish this present for Robert. I accidentally gave it away today but maybe he didn't notice...? (Fat chance.)

Recently I've been spending a lot of time on Owen's blog. It's amazing. I'm hoping to look through the earlier stuff tonight but meanwhile I shall leave you with my favourite quote, from his poem 'Lazarus':
'My eyes invaded, killed off by the strobes
Your irises are blue and emerald globes.'

Tuesday 25 November 2008


So I've just finished watching my birthday present, 'Freaks'. Oh. My. JesuseffingmotherofGoddoinglolrandomthingslikemakingdifficultdecisionsbetweenlettuceandshoe...

These guys are AMAZING.
Now, I'd have loved to have taken some screen shots but I don't yet know how to do that, so Google will have to do.

First, meet 'The Children'

That's right; they are all tiny balding half men-women with ponytails in dresses. I have to admit, I want one. Christmas coming up soon - who's gonna get me one? :D


This is he, rolling a cigarette - I kid you not.

There's a brilliant bit in it where a whole load of them are aggressively standing around this woman who's poisoning her dwarf husband because he has a very large inheritance. He's all, "show me the bottle" but she doesn't want to so his friends all bring out increasingly large weapons and begin to polish them insinuatingly.
[First guy - a dwarf with a large face - removes a knife.]
*polishes it.*
[Second guy - a man with no legs - removes a gun.]
*polishes it.*
[Third guy - a man with super thin arms, playing a pipe - removes the Hadron Collider.]
*polishes it.*

Then they all writhe like an army of worms through the rain and the mud to go and kill this woman and turn her into a chicken.

The really scary thing is that most of them don't have any legs, so they really do writhe.


Some facts:

These noodles are tasty.

Jess Weixler from Teeth is hot.

I hate Photoshop

Pissing on people is cool

Ben Folds + Regina Spektor = AMAZING
I have to see that shit live.

Oh, one more fact.

Ben Folds is Dan's Dad

Scary as Hell, no?

Sunday 23 November 2008

Okay, so I faltered...

But at least I left it until AFTER I'd finished writing my media coursework.

Yes, that's right; I've turned into exactly what I hate - a blogger. Now, I know I've always had blogs to do with things like art and writing, but these were always more like archives; somewhere where I could keep and catalogue my work. Finally, I've submitted into the form of 'personal blogging'; a disgusting term, if I may say so. It's like a diary that anyone could read. Yuck.

So, you ask, why on Earth would you create such a thing if you hate it so?

My answer?

I have no bloody clue.

Maybe it's because it's 4:15am and I've sworn to my "Blood Brethren" that I would not retire to bed until we had all completed our 3,000 word essays. Having said that, Kirsty's the only one who's stuck to it, which I should have guessed would happen. Anyway, I'm not about to go back on my word (and my stupid idea) and so I shall remain awake until her essay is as done as mine. After all, without her, mine would be in a rather more primitive stage, shall we say...

Over and out, and welcome.