Thursday 27 November 2008

Everything is OVER

Today I finally finished my personal statement and all the crazy shit that goes with it (qualifications, previous schools, university choices etc). It actually took more work cutting it down the the meager 500 words than writing the darn thing D: Trouble is (haha) that I do so much relevant outside-of-college-activities, my personal statement took about 3 hours to write after just listing EVERYTHING I do. Last year a year 13 showed me their personal statement. It briefly mention things like YouTube videos and was written pretty darn poorly. This guy had almost NOTHING he could talk about. So from that moment I swore to make a portfolio which could stun anyone. I wanted people to not understand how I get so much done. And I managed it. Ohhhhh yes. After many sleepless nights, I have an impressive array of videos, blogs, short stories, drawings, songs and even paid stuff for the college.

Anyway, because all that is done, I can finally relax and play Zelda, watch films and finish this present for Robert. I accidentally gave it away today but maybe he didn't notice...? (Fat chance.)

Recently I've been spending a lot of time on Owen's blog. It's amazing. I'm hoping to look through the earlier stuff tonight but meanwhile I shall leave you with my favourite quote, from his poem 'Lazarus':
'My eyes invaded, killed off by the strobes
Your irises are blue and emerald globes.'

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