Monday 14 December 2009


What a productive day!

Instead of sleeping in til 5, today me and Dan went to drop off Robertbox. That got us thinking about coffee, so we went to get a Gingerbread Latte but were DISTRACTED by the EGG NOG LATTE which made us both say fuck. Then we went t-shirt shopping for presents for peoples which we're going to doodle all over and THEN we went up Steep Hill to the superhot shop where I bought me mam's present and a moustache necklace! YEAH! Thennnnnn we went back down Steep Hill and into Cex and bought Resident Evil and Resident Evil 4 and I bought Dan Super Paper Mario for his Christmas present and THEN we went into Accessorize and got Dan's mum's present and I got yetanothernecklace with an apple on (I want a jewellery tree) and THEN we went to M&S and bought ramen and miso noodles and lots of juicesoup and THEN we went to get my Scott Pilgrim books back(!!!!!) and THEN we went home and I found out that Bryan Lee O'Malley has a band called Kubek who are awesome AND THEN I downloaded his entire discography and THEN I bought the new Scott Pilgrim book on eBay and found out that there's a 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up being made of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and THEN I bought some boots because I have no winter shoes except my ski boots and I get teased for wearing them. THERE and that's all the buying I'm going to do until tomorrow when we get our Dad's presents. Right now we're playing our new video games and eating chocolate spread out of the jar.

Friday 11 December 2009


Since I've arrived at university, I've met many wonderful and interesting people. The most interesting thing about meeting interesting people is discovering their interesting phobias. Interesting, no? Here's a list of the new phobias I've discovered, with the initials of the person.

WA fear of own hair in hairbrushes
EB fear of scaffolding
L? fear of unvarnished wood
RP fear of spilt milk
EB fear of things that don't feel how they look
EW fear of balloons
And my own personal fear of dead slugs.

More to come :)

Saturday 5 December 2009

Dan is Snoring


I am very proud of my current lack of sleep. This is mainly due to the fact that I had to climb up Steep Hill and then spend the day at work, while the extremely busy Butcher's Market made everything super busy. Suuuuper busy, and no one knew anything about the shop, so I had to check on the butcher's, baker's and general stocking up WHILE educating others on prices! I'm so tired that my grammar is bad :(

I've also just tidied Dan's entire room and en-suite so I could find my plectrum, but so far no such luck D: However; Robert arrives tomorrow so this new level of organisation will hopefully be a benefit to something. Soooooo tired. Need caffeine. LUCKILY, Helena is away this weekend, so I'm getting away with playing super awesome lovely music really loudly without getting told off. I just wish I had brought over my better speakers :(

Anyway, this is a rambling post today, and it probably won't make much sense. I was going to draw things but I don't think they'd be fit for the human eye. OHNEWDUVET! It's 13.5 tog, meaning no more cold feet at ungodly hours of the morning :D AND it's kingsize AND it's made from down and goose feather! It's so supreme. Dan is wearing one of my silk nighttime shirts I discarded a few months ago. He looks positively adorable. D'aww.

OH one more thing before I go. Ella Wood ( is filming a documentary about ME! So, ego in hand, I'm off to brag. About myself. Yeahhhh. Anyway, it's going to be totally hot, and about my films and drawings and shtuff. Get watching.


Sunday 29 November 2009

Food Felatio

Stefan Oliverio: If I was a man pizza, I would only let this pizza give me oral.

Saturday 28 November 2009

Celestial Genitals

Dan: I wish I was an angel, because then I wouldn't have flappy genitals.

Friday 27 November 2009

Rule 34

Stefan Oliverio: Cor, if I was a man Cathedral, I would so totally tap Lincoln Cathedral.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Boyfriend Compliments

Me: I feel so womanly.
Dan: You ARE so womanly. Look, you're just a big booby. *grins madly*

Good Even-Noodle

*ring ring*
Dad: Goooooood evensong?
Me: Do you always pick up the phone like that? I could've been the police or someone trying to sell you something.
Dad: Sometimes I say good even-noodle.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Big Ass Cameras

One of the best things about taking media at degree level is the variety of assignments you're given. Today in script and screenwriting, we got into groups of four and were each given a very large fancy looking hand-held camera and a boom gun (kick ass furry microphone). We were then told to scram and make a (very) short film about a character. Ours was about a ghost. Anyway, that's my news for today. About half an hour ago we went to Morrison's and bought loads of different types of cheese.

A boring blog post by JOANNA.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Yeaahhhhhhhh University.

So, I promised I would eventually write some sort of bloggy type thing when I arrived in windy Lincoln. However; even from this have I procrastinated, but mainly due to a lack of a decent camera. I mean, a blog isn't a blog without some super kick-ass pictures, right? Anyway, it doesn't matter because I can just upload some videos instead and the pictures will no doubt follow when I can be bothered to pay £400 for a Digital SLR. Suh.

Today, me and fellow media student Daniel Swanton (also but not exclusively my boyfriend) went to record a zombie Apocalypse in the radio studio. With us, came voice actor (lol) Max Wallace; editor, Ray somethingorother; Northern accent, Adam wedon'tknowhislastname and general commentator, Mark Wood. The totally rad script (written by me and Dan) featured a bad-ass survivor living in Lincoln center, which was a lot more interesting than "Why are tattoos so popular in the 21st centuryyyy?" My incredibly sexy voice played the Siren Radio broadcaster who saved the bad-ass right at the very end. Mmm, noodles.
Meanwhile, while Dan's been playing Little Big Planet, I've been spending my time constructively by editing that film I said I'd never finish. Parts I and II now finally released, Part III is ready and waiting for enough demand. You can see Part II here:

I'd say watch it in High Definition, but I honestly don't think that it makes a huge amount of difference.

Outtakes are available beloooooow.

For anyone who's interested, here's the storyline so far.

Rupert (Dan Swanton), an isolated teenager from England spends most of his time alone. His only real interest revolves around a fantasy world in his imagination, called Nowhere. In Nowhere, the sky is a blanket and the stars are sleeping dragons. Even the mountaintops have an opinion. However; one day he is approached by Northern party-goer, Gregg (Josh Jones), whose comatose friend, Megan (Leonora Mayall) is in need of some water. After dragging Lily through town to meet her parents, Gregg invites Rupert to a fancy dress party to show his gratitude. Inexplicably, Rupert decides to attend. At the party, Rupert is confronted by Gregg, who interrogates him about Nowhere. Later that night and in no mood to sleep, Rupert moves to the kitchen to find a couple still very much awake. Here, he meets a mysterious girl in a mask who leads him upstairs. To Rupert's amazement, she dances for him. The next morning, he finds her gone, but a drawing of Nowhere by the bed. Six months later, and Rupert is at university. Bain, a huge bloke with a shaved head and a love of leather introduces himself in the library. To be continued when I can be bothereededed!

Tuesday 20 October 2009



Thursday 8 October 2009

My Brother, Pt III

On the phone, to my brother.

ME: "Should I spend £20 to have my nipples cut off?"
BARNABY: "Yeaaaaaahhh twenty pounds! ... Nipples! .... Pounds."

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Kirsty's Magical Haiku's

Joanna Graham
Leaves for Lincoln forever
And I am then sad.

At Morrison's she
Feels a wave of desire
But only for food.

Jonathon Timmons
Falls madly in love with her
But he has no chin.

It is revealed by doctors
That he is a worm.

Torn with self disgust
He hangs himself whilst naked
No one wants the corpse.

I see this because
I am so young and psychic
Also really cool.

Thursday 3 September 2009

My Brother, Pt II

Joanna says:
You there, bro?
Bernie says:
Joanna says:
I got something for ya ;0
Bernie says:
Bernie says:
Joanna says:
Bernie says:
Joanna says:
Enjoy :D
Bernie says:
i'm so jealous
Joanna says:
Me too D:
Joanna says:
Dan has a cyst...
Joanna says:
(That's what that guy had)
Joanna says:
We could pop it in his sleep?
Bernie says:
Bernie says:
tie him down
Bernie says:
gag him
Bernie says:
shit on his face
Bernie says:
and pop it
Joanna says:
Joanna says:
Joanna says:
Mmm'okay then! :D
Bernie says:

Thursday 13 August 2009

A prime recipe for spahetti carbonara that I used in food tech when I was 13.

Spaghetti Carbonara

4 eggs
150ml fresh single cream
25g English butter
225g streaky bacon, chopped
350g spaghetti
175g English cheddar cheese, grated
Freshly ground pepper
30ml chopped fresh parsley

1. Beat together eggs and cream. Heat butter in frying pan and fry bacon till crisp
2. Meanwhile, cook spaghetti in a saucepan of fast boiling water (salted) for about 8 minutes till tender. Drain and add it to the bacon in the frying pan.
3. Cook for 1 minute, stirring all the time. Remove from the heat, add egg. Mix well. (Use spaghetti heat)
4. Stir in 125g cheese and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley and cheese.


Wednesday 12 August 2009

Ode to Spot

Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,
an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?
Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses
contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
a singular development of cat communications
that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,
it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.

O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display
connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.
- Data

Saturday 8 August 2009

And yes

that was a blog post.

Brothers and Boyfriends

Granny Smith: KNOW FUN MAP!
Indeedydoo: yeah yeah yeah my name is Dan
Indeedydoo: yeah yeah yeah you'll be my fan
Granny Smith is now playing Counter-Strike: Source.

Monday 15 June 2009

Violence in Asian Cinema

Having watched an abundance of Asian cinema in my short life, I would say, with only the smallest twinge of self-respect, that I am a self-professed Asian-Film-Semi-Buff. The works of Kenta Fukasaku may fail to eternally please me, with the likes of Battle Royale II: Requiem (*spits on ground*), but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the finer works of Eastern cinema.
It was not that much of a timely span since I watched Yo Yo Girl Cop; a slow-paced yet highly amusing action flick, starring J-Pop singer, Saki Asamiya. Although the film sports a very attractive picture of the aforementioned artist holding a yo-yo, any viewer expecting such an exciting (and spiky) childhood weapon will be greatly disappointed unless they were to fall asleep and wake up for the final fifteen minutes. Which, if you were watching the film purely for toy-related gore, you are likely to do. Using this magical yo-yo she manages to avoid machine-gun attacks, bombs and even ANOTHER DANGEROUS YO-YO! Unlike most Asian films of this genre, Yo Yo Girl Cop seems to have been partially Westernised, which shows mainly through the lack of blood and guts flying around on-screen. Hell, even the love story I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK (directed by Park Chan-Wook) has more violent scenes.

Thursday 21 May 2009

Came home tonight, I felt like I'd die of loneliness. Strange, you think. Popularity...
Looking for a simple life. Life ain't simple. I'm tired and sick but I don't wanna be alone. Could go to a party but I don't really want to. For now I'm sitting out here on my porch. Writing in the dark air listening to my little black cat miaow. Trying to vent some of the terrible passion that's coursing through me. Something about you, something about spending the afternoon asleep in your arms.
I hate you.


Wednesday 20 May 2009

Warning: contains politics.

Hello, readers. Tonight's blog is on a slightly serious note, on the topic of the upcoming election. Firstly, I would like to say that literally two weeks ago, I had virtually no political standpoint in terms of governing parties and decided what with coming-of-age, 'n' all, I would find out just who deserves my vote. But for now, allow me to post a link to a video I found on the vast, vast internet this afternoon.

What is the problem here? Is it the fact that this woman is a terrible mother because she gives sex for money with her children nearby? Or is it because people have had to lower themselves to this? For goodness sake, yes, what she did was irresponsible, but what other choice did she have? The report states that she tried to leave her children with friends for most of the evening. Doesn't that say a lot? It's obvious that she wouldn't take her children with her for activities of that nature unless it was necessary, suggesting that the area she lives in is perhaps a frightening, dangerous place. If I had a choice between leaving my kids in an area infested with crime and kidnapping and taking them with me, where they might see activities that may disturb them, I know which I'd pick. It would be an impossibly difficult decision, but Hell, rather safe than dead, and at least she knew where they were. Secondly; the video strongly shames women in her position who are forced to walk the streets at night to earn money. SOME PEOPLE JUST CAN'T GET A JOB. For whatever reason. And let's get laziness out of the way right now as it's highly unlikely they enjoy prostitution. It's hardly every little girl's dream. It's situations like this that make me angry. The Government should be targeting HOW this has happened and HOW we can prevent it. Not punishing those who have no choice.

Anyway; next topic, but along similar themes. I decided to read the manifestos to each leading party for the upcoming election and this is what I've decided. Labour knows they can't cover their asses again and are basically giving up. Conservative are so damn smug they're going to win this that they're acting just as lazily as Labour. The only party I can see really trying its hardest here is the Liberal Democrats. Nick Clegg is a fantastic speaker, and clearly knows his stuff (as well he should considering what he's up against). He's organising discussions with the public all over Britain and guess what? He's got a nice-looking face, too. To be honest, if David Cameron became Prime Minister, I think I would go insane. His smug looking face splattered all over our newspapers, our televisions, our internet. I'd rather drink ipecac, thanks. As for Gordon Brown, he should just turn into some kind of teddy bear on a child's bed and stay out of politics for good, before it ruins him. Clearly, no one is going to vote Labour after the Iraq war AND the economic crisis, which leaves the Lib Dems, the Conservatives, the Green Party, the BNP and UKIP. From what I've gathered (though everyone I asked was from Cambridge; a primarily Liberal Democratic area) it doesn't sound too good for the Conservatives right now due to (but God knows why) Margaret Thatcher. Hmm. Firstly, (and this will strike controversy, I'm sure) Margaret Thatcher was, on the whole, a very good Prime Minister. She was what Britain needed at the time when strikers were taking advantage of an economically disadvantaged Britain. To say 'no' to their greedy requests at yet more money was the right decision (in my opinion). Already, the fat cats of the mining industry (Russell Shankland, for one) were hated by their fellow miners, yet still took it into their own hands to demand higher wages. Throughout Newcastle, six foot letters could be seen spelling 'FUCK SHANKLAND'. Hell, even the miners agreed she was doing the right thing. Everything was getting out of hand, and the last thing the UK needed was a weak Prime Minister saying "More money? Okay, then."

Monday 18 May 2009

experimental film

The color of infinity inside an empty glass. I'm squinting my eye and turning off and on and on and off the light...

It's for this experimental film which nobody knows about and which I'm still figuring out what's going to go in my experimental film. Yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it I already know how great it is. I already know the ending, it's the part that makes your face implode. I don't know what makes your face implode, but that's the way the movie ends. And in my experimental film
(which nobody knows about but which I'm still figuring out) your face implodes. In my experimental film, yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it-- Even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it is.

The color of infinity
Inside an empty glass

It's for this experimental film which nobody knows about and which I'm still figuring out what's going to go in my experimental film. Yeah! You're all gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it I already know how great it's gonna-- Yeah, you're gonna be in this experimental film and even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it-- Even though I can't explain it, I already know how great it's...


Tuesday 28 April 2009



Yeahhhhh, piss you!

So... Apparently I don't blog twice in a day anymore, so I thought I'd just remind you all: I HAVE TWITTER NOW! BLOGSPOT IS OLD. BLOGSPOT IS DATED. BLOGSPOT IS SO LAST YEAR! I TWITTER LIKE THREE TRILLION TIMES A DAY, OKAY?!?!!!

In other news, I met Metapod, Gay Oak, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu and Professor Oak from Pokemon. I also met Darth Vader, Yelling Bird, Dr. Gregory House, several cats and Tom Nook (who is currently both refurbishing his store and bathing in a tub of Bells). Gary's Cheerleaders were particularly lovely, introducing me to various gore-iffic manga novels (Okay, so far just Octopus Girl, but that should count at least 10 hundred times). Then they posted up a link to the author's 'real MySpace', who turned out to be an eighteen year old goth. Noice. Needless to say, Gary's Cheerleaders have sprung up in my top idols. I'll never be able to watch Pokemon in the same way again. Thanks, Dylan!

I'm going crazy. I'm bringing Leo with me.

Friday 3 April 2009

La sha la

So, beans and broads. Here I am, sitting in Daniel's mighty fine bedroom, utterly bored.

Trouble is, I told his parents I was ill so they wouldn't hate me for sleeping at 5pm and then they brought me medicine and TOLD me to sleep. Meaning I could no longer play Guitar Hero on his Wii or Silent Hill on his PS3 or even Grim Fandango silently on his PC because he left the game in his bloody bag, which is downstairs. You may be wondering why a) Dan isn't here, and b) I can't just go and get the bag. This is because Dan is in his physics lesson. It's that time of the week where his parents say, "Daniel, you don't have enough lessons, so we've hired this private tutor to come and teach you things while we pay him £60 an hour." So he normally has his lessons on Saturday, but not tonight. His tutor has a holiday to go on, so his evil parents have made Dan have a loathed physics lesson at 7:30pm - 9:30pm tonight, on the LAST DAY OF TERM. Grrrr. So meanwhile, I'm stuck up here, all alone, silent, ill, in his room full of all his toys, and nothing to do! I can't even find his tablet pen so I can't even draw using Dan's uber photoshop and his uberer massive huge tablet.

I'm just going to have to read Watchmen, I guess. I think that was his plan all along. Villainous man.

Peace out.

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Dan - Joanna
Joanna - Dan

[21:32:26] Dan says:
hey sexy ;)
[21:32:45] Joanna says:
Oh boo
[21:32:46] Joanna says:
[21:33:04] Dan says:
you want some middle eastern sausage? ;)
[21:33:55] Joanna says:
in my vagoo?
[21:34:01] Dan says:
yeah ;)
[21:34:09] Joanna says:
[21:34:18] Joanna says:
Meow :P
[21:34:23] Dan says:
[21:34:45] Joanna says:
bend me over and shoot!
[21:34:51] Dan says:
[21:35:00] Joanna says:
[21:35:04] Dan says:
[21:35:09] Joanna says:
let me tell the truth
[21:35:13] Joanna says:
now who are you?
[21:35:19] Dan says:
I don't know
[21:35:24] Dan says:
[21:35:34] Dan says:
Now, shake yo' ass, c'mon Beastman!
[21:35:43] Dan says:
Shake your furry fur off!
[21:35:46] Joanna says:
i can't it's made of fur!
[21:35:53] Dan says:
Bitch, well then whack me off!
[21:36:02] Dan says:
Grab your hairy palms
[21:36:04] Joanna says:
hairy, hairy indeed.
[21:36:09] Joanna says:
they're hairy as fuck
[21:36:10] Dan says:
Rake some leaves!
[21:36:18] Joanna says:
Aahhh whatever you need

Thursday 5 March 2009

Video Games (yes, I'm boring now).

So, lately I've been playing a lot of games. Video games, computer games, board games, you name it, I probably haven't played it, because this month, I've been playing OLD SKOOL GAMES. This is mainly because I'm sick of the high definition graphics available and complete lack of ANYTHING GOOD, e.g. storyline, game narrative, structure, la la la.

First, I explored the terrifying depths of my brothers drug den bedroom and discovered a few gems. The first of such gems was Red Alert; a brilliant low-graphic, very pixelated RTS where you control an army consisting of whatever it is you choose to create. Being a long-term Soviet fan, I of course picked the Russians as my side. With the aide of Tesla Coils, Tanya, and the A-Bomb, I managed to win my first game against the English in six years. It was a wonderful day. Dan popped over for a short while to watch and eventually join in and I've managed to convert him to the side of the attack hounds. You see, they're awesome. He didn't believe me at first, claiming "what could a useless puppy possibly do to help you in war?" until I sent a single dog into an oncoming group of infantry. The results were incredible, and Dan was very impressed. From that moment on, he has not doubted my belief in the aide of animals in warfare.

So, I eventually tired of Red Alert and rummaged once more in my brother's game cabinet. Here, I came across a not-so-dusty copy of Age of Empires, which I hastily installed and played endlessly for about two weeks. Robert came to visit, and my addiction had not yet lessened and so we decided to LAN it up instead. Super duper.

Fable was next, after Dan incessantly told me he had never seen the brothel in Darkwood. Unfortunately for him, I am completely sick of Fable, having completed it in competition with my brother ('who can finish it in under a day the quickest?') one too many times. So he still hasn't got to see those kinky courtesans. Poor Dan.

Next out, was Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? A historical educational game that I still absolutely adore, but Dan, unfortunately, doesn't share the love (probably because it's actually beneficial to your education). Big shame, because it's awesome.

Nexxxxxxxt was the attempt at Zoombinis: Logical Adventure which Kirsty picked up in Fopp for a singular puund. We haven't managed to play this yet, because no one's operating system is old enough and because it too, is educational, no one wants to create an emulator for it. HOWEVER Dan's wonderful Mac with Dan's wonderful money and therefore Dan's wonderful VMWare (Windows simulator software) we can change the operating system at will! So we just need to try that out.

So while we were waiting, I got bored and tried to play Myst - a fantastic puzzle game where you're trapped on an island you read about in a book and you have to choose which son is evil and look in their bedrooms (one has a torture chamber) and which is good and collect the pages for their book for each so you can free them from their prison. Breathe. Unfortunatelyyyyyy this didn't work either, as my computer is nice and new and good at stuff and Myst is old and annoying. So I managed to download a new new new version for my Mac (in 3D :D) and get that working. But it won't save. I don't understand, I think I need help and I'm so annoyed but it is such a creepy and amazing game. I think I might just buy the damn thing.

NEXT UP was Roller Coaster Tycoon; a game from my very, very, very early childhood and with it many fond memories, such as the infamous 'Misty Mountain' roller coaster which had perfect ratings until it crashed and killed 30 people. That was unfortunate. So, anyway, I got it back (the game, not Misty Mountain, no matter how hard I try to recreate it, it is gone forever) and have been playing obsessively for about a week until I started failing levels and not reaching objectives and killing guests for fun. Especially angry guests who decrease my park rating (by drowning customers who are unhappy, this does actually bring your park rating up, however, I doubt Alton Towers' methods are quite so unorthodox). I eventually got annoyed at the lack of upgrades and 'no entry' signs and music available of your roller coaster that I decided to also download Loopy Landscapes and with it, Added Attractions, and with that, 'no entry' signs and music for your roller coasters. YEAH.

So, that's installing right about now, and so ends my blog about games. I must now cook pasta with my brother.

Wait, no it doesn't - Donkey Konga and Dungeons and Dragons coming soon!

Like... now!

So Dan's given me his GameCube and while Robert and Kirsty were here, we decided to play a game we'd all be equally good at - Donkey Conga. As none of us had had any previous experience on said game, true talent quickly shone through - mine. I've since become addicted and after Dan also gave me the Konga drums, I've learnt to love the controller method more than the bloody bongos. Useless things, which hurt my hands. Dan's good at them though, and discovered that if you scream, it has the same effect as clapping, which was fun for a while.

In further Joanna's gaming news, we played A LOT of Dungeons and Dragons. We've managed to create a few ongoing jokes and story lines too, which has been amusing to integrate in newer games with different people who don't get the joke, or who haven't met the character before. One of these characters is the Angry Farmer. He appeared in our first game, and has been a run-on terrorist since. Basically, he was situated in a farm (surprise, surprise) on a map with a river running through it. The farm was situated directly south from the river, so when Kirsty attempted to calm the temper of the Angry Farmer (by telling him there whereabouts of his son) she told him directions that were far too vague. She told him his son was north and if he headed in that direction, he should cross him sooner or later. Unfortunately, the bull-headed farmer took her words too literally and fell into the river, which carried him downstream and into a lake, further enraging him. From this moment on, he unfortunately became utterly obsessed with tracking her down and killing her.
Another interesting character was the Man who Smelt Suspiciously of Mushrooms. He lives in a house North of the river and whomever asked him for help or advice was suddenly repelled by his scent, fell into the river and was carried away downstream. Where the farmer was occasionally waiting.
In later games, we introduced celebrities such as Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise and Jade Goody's uterus tumor (obviously, the latter was required to solve a quest in which you must appease a giant salami). If you went into a certain house, a man would accuse you of political incorrectness and kick you onto a bridge. As you came soaring downward you would see two simian beings and be given the option to say one of the following:
1. Hey Monkey, Monkey.
2. Hey Monkey, Ben Stiller.
3. Hey Monkey, Asshole.
The catch here was that if you said any of these, you would enrage Ben Stiller, the simian looking-actor.
1. Hey Monkey, Monkey.
- You've called Ben Stiller a monkey! He is now enraged and wants to fight you!
2. Hey Monkey, Ben Stiller.
- You've got it the wrong way round! You've called the monkey Ben Stiller and Ben Stiller a monkey! He is now enraged and wants to fight you!
3. Hey Monkey, Asshole.
You've called Ben Stiller an asshole! This has clearly enraged him to the point of battle!

So as you can see, there is no way out. Every time you saw the man in the house or crossed the bridge, you would be faced with the same pointless puzzle, which would end in a fight the player would inevitably win, as Ben Stiller throws a weak ass punch. Every time you beat him in battle, you would gain his accompanying monkey, which, due to the lack of abundance of monkeys in this day and age, grew increasingly shit. I.e. to the point where players would be carrying a blind paraplegic monkey, a dead monkey, a monkey skeleton and several bloodied stumps. Of course, there was one way around this conundrum and that was choice 4. Ice Cream Factory. However, at the very end of the game, when the players finally figured this out, they were rewarded with another rotting monkey corpse. Yeahhhh.

As a further game, we decided to use this idea as the main quest, only slightly different. The players started in a forest clearing where they'd find a sobbing Ben Stiller. It turns out all his monkeys were stolen off him by cruel and vicious travelers in a previous game. It became their quest to find them all again. Oh, how wonderfully pointless.

Rik Waller provided much entertainment, as the quest suggested that only a pork scratching made from Rik Waller would fulfill the salami. In order to achieve this almost impossible goal, players had to throw insults, pebbles and rude notes from naked men at him, until his depression triggered rash grew so bad, he turned into a pork scratching. Case solved.

Anyway, enough about that game I love so much, this post has been far too long. I'm just trying to make up for the fact that I haven't written a proper blog in agessssssss due to issues in my head.

G'night, y'all!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Lordy gonna leave me

What a half term, eh?

Well, Robert's currently visiting, and having left my house to stay with Kirsty for a few days, I finally have the house to myself. Which is mighty lonely I can tell you. On the plus side, it gives me some time to think things over, blog and generally procrastinate. At the moment I'm backing up the small amount of music on my Mac so I can upgrade it to 10.5. This is for two reasons: The DVD Player on Mac 10.4 has no timeline. Making The Wire theme song almost unbearable. I do NOT want to have to listen to that exact same song sung by a man who sounds like he's vomiting his own intestines. So skipping is necessary and yet unfortunately also impossible.
The other very important factor to take into consideration is of course the lack of a decent Limewire. Everything is too old or new and it's pissing annoying. So upgrading will insue. This will, however, leave me with 90 with which to do nothing and I am dreading that A LOT. Thankfully I have a PC, eh? Oh yeah. And Pokemon. :D

In other news, Josh Lucas is a God. He managed to find out that Yann Tiersen (my favourite composer and musician) is coming to Cambridge! I am ecstatic. Fr rls. Right now, some shitty karaoke cover of Christina Aguilera's track, 'Beatiful' is playing and it's... worse than words can express. However, I am very pleased that I managed to spell her surname right.

Also: Yay, Rolling Stones!!

I've been playing a lot of Age of Empires and with Robert's arrival came the opportunity to LAN. I am the collector of resources (being a woman and therefor inferior at battle) and have control of a few monks wot pick up relics wot generate gold etc.

Today I found a copy of I am Not an Animal; an utterly creepy animation starring Steve Coogan (The Day Today, I'm Alan Partridge), Simon Pegg (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead) and Julia Davis (Nighty Night, AD/BC) - a combination of the greatest black comedy comedians of the 21st Century.

Last night, whilst visiting Kirsty to play Dungeons and Dragons Dan's car got knocked into. Again. It was all very surreal but we managed to continue with our game, and even improvise a song about an item found on the map - The Mask of Pierce Brosnan Containing Compass-Like Powers.
The lyrics are as follows:
Can you deny the power of Pierce Brosnan?
The power of Pierce Brosnan?
He played Jamed Bond
He knows the direction
He's really cool
He's got...good perception
The power of Pierce Brosnan!

Our games are greater than anything. Ever.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

A New Post

I haven't really got all that much to say tonight.

Here are some good films I've watched recently:
Factory Girl
Slumdog Millionaire
The Breakfast Club

The list would be longer, only I'm out of Mac and therefore any way to watch my wide selection of new DVDs. I've been playing an almost obsessive amount of Pokemon Yellow. I've been sleeping less. I've done nothing creative or useful lately, which is always a downer for me, heh.

I have an interview in a week with one of the 'other' universities (you know, one of the filler ones), Hertfordshire. I'd never go there, it's far to close to home.

I've been playing a lot of guitar. I can now play Save Yourself by Sense Field, The Crane Wife, Pts 1 & 2 by The Decemberists and Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith.


I wonder if school will be on tomorrow...

Peace out.

Monday 19 January 2009

Elephant Gun

So, I've been pretty moody lately, with hating almost anyone who dared even look at me, and for that I'm sorry.

It's is Daniel Swanton's birthday tomorrow - please make him something nice :)

I'm really looking forward to his pirate ears. Yessir, I am.

My hands are cold and my stomach is sore. However, I've been playing Pokemon Yellow and naming them after characters from The Wire (which, if you know me well, you'll know I am utterly obsessed with).

Clefairy is Omar (the scarred (NOT scared) black man with the shotgun).


Sunday 11 January 2009

Hello, hello

Today I've been spending a lot of time looking at hot celebrities, but please give me a moment to explain.

I was idly browsing t'internets when I came across some fat women bitching about their weight. Now this was all highly amusing until one bright spark decided to mention that Marilyn Monroe was overweight and she's teh sexx. Suddenly, they all realised that they too were overweight (yes... we know...) but because Monroe was sexy, they are too.
There are two things wrong with this theory.
Eine (thank you, Alice ^^): Marilyn Monroe was not fat. Unless you consider me fat (we are the same clothes size lollll).
Zwei: These guys are FATTTTTTT mannnnn. Really, really fat. We're talking 20 stone here. That is not sexy. Unless your name is James Whipps and you lurrrrve the whipped cream.
So anyway, I got into looking at pictures of Marilyn Monroe (who looked a lot better without makeup and with her hair slightly ruffled) and that took me on to looking at pictures of Drew Barrymore which took me on to looking at pictures of Cameron Diaz. And you know what that means: VOTING TIEMS!!!!
So! Who do you think is hotter?
Cameron Diaz

or Drew Barrymore?

Please vote at the polls :)

Meanwhile, this weekend me and Dan have been playing Manhunt. It's comedically great for a couple of reasons; one that they are absolutely retarded. You can stand in a slightly shady room, the guy looking straight at you, and STILL he'll yell "God DAYM it! Where's that bitch gone?! I can't believe I've lost him AGAIN!" Another amusing factor is that when they jump out at you, they just scream. It's gRRRRRReat :)

Another thing I learnt today is that German people are TERRIFYING.

Also, who thinks Marilyn Monroe as a teen looks a bit like Helen Buttons?

Anyways, over and out for now!



Tuesday 6 January 2009

Display Picturezzzz

For everyone who wanted this as a display picture, here it is. Widescreen desktops coming soon :)

And thanks for following.

Coincidentally, if you like this blog, you may also like


Two things:


2. We've edited the picture a little. It makes a great desktop.


To my beloved fans.

In recent times, I know my standards of blog haven't been quite up to par. However, this can change. Will change. I promise. Just... please don't betray me for those newer younger bloggers!

Y'see, bat fans, Dan has started blogging. Already his blog is much more impressive than my mere '300 Days' blog. And to my utter horror, I discovered that Kirsty intends to write something frighteningly similar to this one. Unfortunately Dan is superior in drawing and Kirsty is superior in writing. So basically I'm screwed.

Tonight I will browse Gooogle in search of monkeys and small ethnic children who I will force to write witty and highly intelligent reviews on my day-to-day business.

The search begins...

If you would like to see Dan's blog (which I highly recommend) please visit

Monday 5 January 2009

Daniel is my favourite bean.

He made me a picture :D

So I turned it into my background :D


The Longest Weekend of My Life

It's a Sunday night and I'm annoyed at my boyfriend. All of a sudden I get a phone call from him stating that he's been walking for the last hour or so in the snowy weather so that I'll stop being angry at him. The silly fool realises now that the rest of the journey will take a further hour. So I grabbed a cookie, jumped on my bike and rode out to meet him. It was lovely :) We watched The Wire and took the piss out of cops and ate reduced trifle.

Then his parents called and found out he was at my house and spazzed the hell out. So a training montage occured, during which I taught him how to argue. The next morning I realised my exam was A LOT sooner than I had anticipated and panicked. This evening I went to visit Alice and we revised together. She taught me many things.

Have some pictures I found on my phone.

Dan is cool.

Dan is cute.

We are cool.

Kirsty is hot.

We are adoraburble.

Oh, and Alice told me that I only have two of the scary exams and that they're on Thursday.

Sunday 4 January 2009

Cookies and Hate

Sup, dawgs.

Today I have spent being incredibly productive (for once). After getting very pissed off at the Swanton household, I decided to make cookies. They're deliccccciiiiouuussss... And guess who can't have any because he isn't here? You got it - Daniel Swanton. If anyone ELSE would like any, please feel free to pop over at any time and have a couple. They contain Milkybar white chocolate buttons, chocolate rice crispies and smarties, amongst other delicious treats. Then while I waited for Dan to call back ("hang on, I'll call you back in a minute") I decided to edit this film I've been procrastinating from for so long. Which took me about three hours. So, anyway, my plans tonight involve downloading an Atari game I haven't played in years or playing my own version of Dungeons and Dragons with my parents and Dan, if he ever calls me back.

Meanwhile, I shall continue drawing me killing members of my boyfriend's family.

Goodnight, y'all :)